Showing posts with label classrooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label classrooms. Show all posts

Monday 23 2022

Purpose of education


Education is an ethical activity because it broadens one’s choice in terms of how one should live. Education opens doors to an individual. It allows opportunity and the ability to make informed decisions about ethical conduct in one’s life. It seems to me that education has a two-fold function to perform in the life of man and society, one is utility and the other is culture. Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing capacity the legitimate goals of his life.( Kane Dane)

There are several purposes for all somewhat equal groups of students to bloom into adults and become responsible and effective citizens.

The purpose of education is to provide advantages to all somewhat equal groups. It is a levelling factor. The difference is who the educational system is provided for and whether or not they are equal. In most cases, education was not available to lower castes. Now, it is more widespread. Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking. To think incisively and to think for one’s self is very difficult. We are prone to let our mental life become invaded by legions of half-truths, biases, and hype. At this point, I often wonder whether or not education is fulfilling its purpose. A great majority of the so-called educated people do not think logically and are so-called allies.

Even the press, the classroom, the platform and the pulpit in many instances do not give us objective and unbiased truths. To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction word education are derived from the Latin word “Edu care” to bring up which is related to education “Bring out, bring forth what is within or bring out potential, etc.

Education can be explained in two perceptions.

It is an act that influences a person’s mind, personality or physical ability.

In a technical sense, education is the process by which society transmits, its knowledge or skills from one breed to another.

Verbally education can be, “Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, improving skills, training, learning of moral values, beliefs or habits, etc.

Categories of education

There are 3 types of education.

1. Formal

Formal education is a fully planned, structured and systemized type of education. Informal education, fees are paid regularly. It is subject-oriented. It has a specific grading system. The curriculum and syllabus are provided to the students. It is important for a good career as it helps in finding good job opportunities. Schools, colleges and universities are examples of formal education.

2. Informal Education

It is the type of education that occurs in regular classrooms but is not subject-oriented and out of the structured curriculum, There is no formal curriculum or syllabus. Informal education is spontaneous. Examples of informal education are self-directed learning, tutoring and networking, etc.

3. Non-Formal Education:

It also takes place outside well-known institutions. It is an open-ended education system. In the non-formal education system, age or time limit is not fixed anyone can get involved in either the public or private sector. Examples of the non-formal education system are vocational training programs, lifelong learning programs, aesthetic activities, etc.

1. Significance and Purposes of Education:

Education is important for people of every. It is irrespective of caste, creed, and gender.

• For Permanent Life:

Education is the most important for a secure job. A person should certainly need to get educated for a dream job and enjoy the benefits of a luxurious lifestyle. Education guarantees lifetime income as a person can get a lot of job openings.

• Self-Independence:

Education can make person independent not only financially and also in decision making. So that you can make your decisions on your own.

• Self Configuration :

Education makes you a confident person. If you have knowledge and information you can take part in any discussion.

• Proper Use of Technology:

Education provides us with information related to technical skills. It tells us about the better use of modern technology like mobile phones or computers etc.

• Maturity

Education helps a person to learn about the disciplines of life. It teaches ethical values and manners. People become more mature, sophisticated and well-mannered. It is important in gaining respect in society. It gives people the knowledge and skills they require. It promotes peace in society.

2. Objectives of Education in Society:

• Religious purposes:

Religious education is the education of a particular religion, its various aspects, faiths, beliefs, etc. Religious education helps people to learn about their religion and its teachings. So people should know about the actual beliefs of their religion. And how to act upon them.

• Civic Purposes of Education:

The development of society is directly related to education. The sense of well-being is enhanced which further encourages good physical or mental health. It broadens the vision of people and opens up their minds. It removes baseless beliefs and hatred from society. It helps individuals to differentiate between facts and misconceptions. Education develops awareness among society about the actions of the government either to go against or support them. The most important social purpose of education is to obey law and order. If a person is well-educated and has information about all the rules and regulations of law then he would act maturely. No incidents or robberies will happen if The most important social purpose of education is to obey law and order. If a person is well-educated and has information about all the rules and regulations of law then he would act mature. No incidents or robberies will happen if everyone is obeying laws of society. Education plays a vital role in the prosperity of a nation. It helps people to learn about more ways of earning. For example business opportunities, investment procedures, and job facilities.

• Economic Purposes:

Education helps in boosting the economy of a country. It is directly connected to the economy of a country. As people’s education improves, human capital also increases as productivity and creativity. More educated workers will tend to work more productively and earn high wages.


Dane Kane, How education is considered as a purposive education.

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